Radim Urban

Radim Urban

Computer Science Student @ ETH Zurich

About me

I am a computer science undergrad at ETH Zurich. Studies and gaining experience in the fields of CS are currently my main focus. Every now and then I post something about topics I am occupied with - check it out here.
You can contact me or take a look at my LinkedIn.

Teaching Assistant
Teaching and preparing exercise sessions for Data Modeling and Databases.
Spring Semester '23
Apr - Jun 2022
Software Development Intern
At Venture Valuation, I worked on a caching system to improve meeting scheduling functionalities on hellopartnering.com and backend of the administration system for biotechgate.com.
Zurich, Switzerland
2020 - now
BSc in Computer Science at ETH Zurich
I was awarded The Kellner Family Foundation scholarship to pursue my studies at ETH.
Jun - Jul 2019
Application Services Intern
At SAP, I designed and implemented an infrastructure for employee and asset management.
Walldorf, Germany

Mini Projects & Writings

SVHN Image and Label Synthesis with Conditional DCGAN

We implement a conditional Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) sampling high-quality Street View House Numbers (SVHN), conditioned on an embedding of a desired label.
Apr 19, 2024 - EESTec AI Marathon (3rd place)

Using LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks to Predict Sepsis from Clinical Data

Training LSTM-RNN-based model using time-series of raw clinical data measurements for early detection of sepsis.
Mar 30, 2024

See more here



Google Developer Student Club
I was part of the ETH GDSC Core Team in 2022-23. GDSC is a university-based community for STEM students with goal to bridge the gap between theory and practice. GDSC organizes a lot of fun tech-related events. Check it out.

founded 2022

Czech and Slovak Students in Zurich
With couple of friends at ETH, we founded the CSSZ society with goals of uniting the community of students from Czech Republic & Slovakia and providing support in academic and related matters. Read more about us at cssz.ch.